╤≥≡α≥σπΦ  \ Army Men: Toys in Space
Army Men: Toys in Space

┬ε Γ≡σ∞  Φπ≡√ φαµ∞Φ≥σ 'backspace' Φ φαßσ≡Φ≥σ ±≥≡εΩ≤ «!throw me a frickin bone here», ≈≥εß√ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ Γετ∞εµφε±≥ⁿ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ±  ε±≥αδⁿφ√∞Φ ΩεΣα∞Φ. ╚⌡ ≥αΩµσ φαΣε φαßΦ≡α≥ⁿ, φαµαΓ 'backspace'.

!captain scarlet – ≡σµΦ∞ ┴επα.
!full monty – ≡σµΦ∞ ┴επα ∩δ■± Γ±σ item'√.
!stay frosty – Sarge ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥ ForceField.
!henry – 30 Insecticide ±∩≡σΘ.
!harsh language – 20 ∞≤⌡εßεσΩ.
!here's a lockpick... φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφ√Θ φα∩αδ∞.
!mib – Sarge ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥ δατσ≡φ≤■ ΓΦφ≥εΓΩ≤.
!this one goes to eleven – ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ 3 φα∩αδ∞εΓ√⌡ Γτ≡√Γα.
!scotty – ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ 3 «SpaceMen Reinforcement».
!hey stifler – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφ√Θ ΩδσΘ.
!one time... – 3 ßσΘ±ßεδⁿφ√⌡ ≤Σα≡α.
!spiny norman – 3 ≤Σα≡α ∞εδε≥ε∞.
!let me down – τΣε≡εΓⁿσ Sarges'a ∩ε≈≥Φ Φ±≈στασ≥.
!pump me up – Sarge ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥ ±≥σ≡εΦΣ√.
!rate me – ∩εΩατ√Γασ≥±  τφα≈σφΦσ FPS.
!roody–pooh – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφα  ΓετΣ≤°φα  α≥αΩα (Air Attack)
!the meek – ∩ε≥σ≡∩σ≥ⁿ ∩ε≡αµσφΦσ Γ ±÷σφα≡ΦΦ.
!cut to the chase – Γ√Θπ≡α≥ⁿ ±÷σφα≡ΦΘ.
!halloween – Γ≡αµσ±ΩΦσ ΓεΘ±Ωα ∩≡σΓ≡α∙α■≥±  Γ τε∞ßΦ.
!time for bed – ∩≡εΦπ≡α≥ⁿ ±÷σφα≡ΦΘ.
!mona lisa – ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ ±δ≤≈αΘφ√Θ item.
!florence – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφα  α∩≥σ≈Ωα.
!johnny ricco – ≥≡Φ ∩α≡α°■≥Φ±≥α.
!peep show – 3 ≡σΩεφα (Recons)
!heavenly glory – ≥≡Φ ΓετΣ≤°φ√⌡ α≥αΩΦ.
!yippee!!! – ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ ΓΦφ≥εΓΩ≤ Sniper.
!penny – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφα  M80.
!hey dante – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφ√Θ α²≡ετεδⁿ.
!the sun – Γσ≈φεσ ≤ΓσδΦ≈Φ≥σδⁿφεσ ±≥σΩδε.
!whistle and flute – Sarge ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥ Flak–Jacket.
!i woke up this morning – 9 Blue Disguise.
!no sunblock – 9 Tan Disguise.
!incognito Gives – 9 Grey Disguise.
!i got two words for ya... – ∩εδ≤≈ασ≥σ MineSweeper.
!haunt haunt haunt! – 10 Γτ≡√Γ≈α≥εΩ.
!sprinkles – 30 ∞Φφ.
!i like to keep this handy – φσεπ≡αφΦ≈σφφα  ßατ≤Ωα.
!patty melt Gives – Γσ≈φ√σ επφσ∞σ≥.
!you want some – ∞φεπε π≡αφα≥.
!disco inferno – Sarge πε≡Φ≥, φε ²≥ε φσ ∩≡Φ≈Φφ σ≥ σ∞≤ φΦΩαΩεπε Γ≡σΣα.
!disco is dead – ∩επα±Φ≥ⁿ επεφⁿ φα Sarge.
!no one expects – Γ√τΓα≥ⁿ φσ±ΩεδⁿΩε Γ≡αµσ±ΩΦ⌡ ■φΦ≥εΓ.
!italian job Sets – ∞ε∙φσΘ°ΦΘ Γτ≡√Γ ΓεΩ≡≤π Sarge.
!its dark – ±∩≡ ≥α≥ⁿ Γ±σ Γ≡αµσ±ΩΦσ ■φΦ≥√ φα ∞ΦφΦ–Ωα≡≥σ.
!door – ≥σδσ∩ε≡≥α÷Φ  Sarge Γ ∩ετΦ÷Φ■ Ω≤≡±ε≡α.